Health and Wellness Policy (Illness Policy)

At The Learning Pavilion, we prioritize a safe and healthy environment for all children, families, and staff. Our illness policy ensures the well-being of everyone in our care.

When Your Child is Ill

If your child shows signs of illness at school, we’ll contact you immediately for prompt pickup. If you’re unavailable, we’ll notify the emergency contact listed in your enrollment form.

To ensure comfort and safety, children will rest in a supervised, separate space until they’re picked up.

Symptoms That Require Pickup

For the health of all, children must go home if they exhibit:

  • Fever of 101°F or higher
  • Contagious skin or eye infections
  • Diarrhea (three times in one day)
  • Vomiting
  • Other signs of a contagious illness

Returning to School

To prevent the spread of illness:

  • Children must be symptom-free for 24 hours without medication before returning.
  • Diarrhea or vomiting symptoms must be resolved for 24 hours.
  • A doctor’s note may be required to clarify non-contagious conditions.

The Program Coordinator will make the final decision regarding whether a child is too ill to remain or return to school.

We value your cooperation in maintaining a healthy, happy learning environment where every child can play, grow, and thrive. Together, we can ensure The Learning Pavilion remains a place where smart-play meets best practices in health and wellness!