
Your children are family at the Learning Pavilion. By extension, you are, too! We pride ourselves on being the most inclusive, safe and nurturing environment for children of all abilities in the Big Bend. Below are stories, videos and comments from just a few of the families we have served.

“The passion for children’s well-being and growth and compassion for all children are only a few compliments that sets the staff apart from the other school.”

-Alicia Crespo

“We feel so fortunate that our son loves his school. More importantly, we are indescribably grateful that our child has grown by leaps and bounds.”

-Isaiah Swann

“The Learning Pavilion has kind, caring teachers, great positive learning environment and economical. Our son was there all the way through VPK and my daughter started when she was 8 months!”

-Leigh Ann Campbell

“Thank you to all the wonderful ladies at The Learning Pavilion for loving on my little man, he has been taught and snuggled by you all. His new place has some big shoes to fill. We will miss you! ”

-Kay Bartlett

“Educators play the largest role outside of us… parents in helping our children grow in to the amazing beings that they will become. Hillary Hopkins, THANK YOU. Kendra Dowen, THANK YOU. Ms Anna, Ms Jennifer, THANK YOU. Mrs Doris, THANK YOU. Kim, Amber, THANK YOU. It’s been a wonderful journey. Thank you for your guidance. Thank you for being there when I couldn’t. The last five years have been awesome!”

-Alexa Taylor

-Alexa Taylor

“I love The Learning Pavilion!  My son started at 18 months and graduated from VPK.  My daughter started at 2 years old after attending a home child care.  There is no other place I’d rather have my children.”

-Stephanie Hartman

“It’s the people!  My son is challenging, but The Learning Pavilion takes their time with the children.  Everything is specialized with individualized care and small classrooms.  My son is learning how to grow up.”

-Sonya Walters

“My son has been attending The Learning Pavilion since we was 13 months old.  My son’s doctor told me that he would nevcer speak, have friends, go to college.  I found a new doctor, who recommended The Learning Pavilion.  Now my son has friends, plays with others and has a great time.  He gets full therapy services.  The consistency of the staff and therapy team has really helped my son.”

-Kelly Wood

“My son was diagnosed with Autism.  At 18 months, he began regressing.  I tried placing him in a child care center, but after only 2 full days and 2 half days, they told me that they couldn’t handle him.  They recommended The Learning Pavilion.  At The Learning Pavilion, he progressed quickly.  The teachers were patient and the consistency of teachers benefited my son and gave him comfort.  He now attends Kindergarten and is learning to read and on par with Kindergarten level and making great grades.”

-Jason Kirkpatrick

“Amazing teachers with tons of patience and nurturing to create a safe environment.”

-Ammie Hengstebeck

“You are the best of the best!”

-Tom Greenwood